Grant Guidelines

Grant Guidelines

These are the primary guidelines used to determine funding.

Priority Areas

The American Fidelity Foundation focuses its resources in the following areas:

Education: We support initiatives from early childhood programs to university instruction.

Health and Welfare: We support organizations that improve the health and quality of life for residents.

Arts and Culture: We contribute to Allied Arts along with individual organizations dedicated to promoting the arts.

Civic and Economic Development: Community improvement projects improve the quality of life for our Customers and Colleagues.

  • Non-profit groups that have active support from our Colleagues
  • Programs that have specific objectives that can be evaluated for success
  • Projects that include contributions from more than one non-profit organization
  • Projects that provide creative models for broader adoption, replication and impact
  • Non-profit organizations with a proven track record for results and good use of prior funding


The American Fidelity Foundation does not fund: 

  • Organizations that are not tax exempt under paragraph 501(c)3 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service Code.
    Individuals, for any purpose.
  • Requests to support travel expenses.
  • Organizations that in turn would provide grants to charities they choose (except for United Way or Allied Arts of Central Oklahoma).
  • Capital campaigns.
  • Endowment campaigns, except to fund scholarships or for other specific education projects.
  • Private clubs.
  • Religious, fraternal or sectarian organizations.
  • Organizations that seek to influence or initiate legislation.
  • Political candidates, parties or campaigns.